Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So I know a lot of people would just tell me to take it easy, to just take it as it comes... But I cant help but get worked up. August is half-way done. On the 31st I have a doctor's appointment with a fertility specialist. We've been trying since January to get pregnant. Zech and I are both ready now. I guess God has other plans. Im scared to hear what they could say at the end of the month. I know our choices for adoption are always there. We've always said we want to adopt either way. Might turn out thats our only option.

Everything thats been going on lately doesnt make this situation/problem any better. I just want to cry all the time.

1 comment:

The Rhea's said...

And just to clarify even more... Zech and I have been trying since we've been married to have a baby. So that makes it 5 months before Iraq, and about 7 months now. Thats why we are going to a fertility specialist.