Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Well its been a loooooooooong time since I've posted anything on here. We have made a lot of changes since my last post. We moved to Houston in early 2010, Zech graduated back in March 2011 with honors from UTI with a 3.99 GPA and the Dave Hill Award that only a certain few graduated get from being nominated and voted on by the instructors. They dont give one out every graduating class. I was so proud of him!!! And now we are in Midland, hating it. Zech is working the oil field. We thought it would be a better fit for us, but its not. Truth is, we both miss the life the military gave us. So as of right now, we are waiting for a date for Zech to go off and train to reclass to join the Air Force. It was a childhood dream of his, and we are both very excited! Cant wait for this new chapter to start!!!