Ok so Zech and I have been trying to do as much as possible together since he's been home. Between both of our crazy schedules and the Army demanding much of his time, we finally took a whole weekend for ourselves. We watched the fireworks from Ft Hood Saturday night from the back of our truck, and went to Dallas all day Sunday to go to Vans Warped Tour. We had a blast... even though Zech said he felt like an old man in the crowd of 12-16 year olds. None-the-less, we got to see some pretty amazing bands. I was super excited for the weeks leading up to this concert because one of my most favorite rock bands with a CHICK front "man" was going to be playing. She is truely a rock goddess! There was a couple of hours down time that we had between some of the shows we wanted to see, so we decided to wander around the merch tents and see what we could see. Of course, we ended up at the In This Moment tent. No fans or crowd was around... it was completely vacant. Perfect timing on my behalf, because lo-and-behold, as I walked up I noticed a small blond woman with a full right arm sleeve. I said to myself "it can't be her". Sure enough, she turned around and there stood Maria Brink! Now, I have been to enough concerts to last me a lifetime and have never acted so rediculous like I did on Sunday. I was so nervous and giddy. I could barely ask her if she would take a picture with me. She did, of course, because she's awesome like that! Then we got to see them later that day rockin out! I was taking a picture of her while she was on stage and she pointed right at me! Ahh it was perfect. We got to see some other pretty awesome bands such as Bayside, Thrice, Meg & Dia, and the ol' bastards from Bad Religion. For being as old as they are, they still got it. I say they gave those emo bands a run for their money. Kids in the crowd didnt know what they were witnessing. Well now I am done rambling because Im sure Ive bored all you to death. Im attaching a few pictures! Peace!

1 comment:
ah, the warped tour. i've been to a couple of those. my last one was when i was about 5 months pregnant with diego! tell zech not to feel too bad about feeling old. i know what he means.
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