Well the summer has started off sort of interesting. We've had a lot going on with the wedding and everything concerning that. I dont think I would ever do it again though. Too much time, money, and drama involved. We did get some great pictures though (thanks Susan!). These are our favs:

Now, we are just ready to have some fun relaxing weekends.
Last weekend we went to the Texas Nissans car meet just south of Austin. It was a pretty good showing, and Zech registered our Frontier with them :) I think its pretty cool even if my truck is stock lol. We had a fun time with his brothers Jeremy and Jesse. Listening to those 3 ramble on about cars is pretty interesting (and funny). Then we drove around Austin and found a pretty nice mall to do some shopping in, and ate some fantastic sushi at Umi Sushi Bar & Grill (you should check it out)! Then we just hung out in the hotel room. Watched some movies, drank some beers, and swam in the unheated, heated pool. On Sunday we went to Austin Park & Pizza. Road some go-carts and played endless amounts of video games. It was fun, but not all its cracked up to be.
This weekend we got some free tickets to Schlitterbahn. Our roommate's girlfriend is coming into town, and we are going with them and some other Army friends we have. Who knows what other shenangans we will drag this poor Colorado girl to go do.
We still want to make a trip to the coast, go to Fiesta Texas, and go to the Ft Worth Zoo. I will be finally graduating with my Associates this summer. I started my last 2 classes this week. I will be done (for now) by the end of July. I dont know exactly when that will set me up for graduation, but I am very happy to have one step down at least.
Hopefully by the end of September we will have some money saved for the 2 trips we want to make towards the end of the year. We want to take a 6 day, 7 night cruise to the Carribbean. It leaves Galveston and goes to the Grand Cayman Islands, Cozamel, and Jamaica. We are very excited for this :) Also we want to take a road trip (or fly, if I feel like I can do it) out to Savannah, GA to go see my cousin I havent seen in 8 years!! This I am VERY excited for!
From then, Zech will start transitioning out of the Army. We will be packing and getting ready for the move to Houston and on to civilian life in January. We are anxious, but very happy to be going back to a normal life. I am so proud of everything he has done and happy he is getting to do what he loves.
Anywho, thats about all for now! Love y'all!
1 comment:
When are ya'll going to come stay with us?! We'll take ya'll to the Fort Worth Zoo! It's really hot right now though ugh... glad ya'll are doing so well tell the cousin of mine hi for me :) Seriously though... come see us I really want to meet you!
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