Zech & Sarah Rhea
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Well its been a loooooooooong time since I've posted anything on here. We have made a lot of changes since my last post. We moved to Houston in early 2010, Zech graduated back in March 2011 with honors from UTI with a 3.99 GPA and the Dave Hill Award that only a certain few graduated get from being nominated and voted on by the instructors. They dont give one out every graduating class. I was so proud of him!!! And now we are in Midland, hating it. Zech is working the oil field. We thought it would be a better fit for us, but its not. Truth is, we both miss the life the military gave us. So as of right now, we are waiting for a date for Zech to go off and train to reclass to join the Air Force. It was a childhood dream of his, and we are both very excited! Cant wait for this new chapter to start!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Our Delima in Limbo Land
I havent posted in a while and what I have to post isnt the best of news. We are having issues with Zech going to school like he wanted. We are as informed about the GI Bill as humanly possible. The problem with the whole situation is from the school. UTI, since its not a university or college, not offering a DEGREE (its a tech school), has the choice as to whether or not they want to accept the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Since Zech has been enrolled last January, he has mentioned it to his student advisor and 2 different financial aid/VA reps there at the school that he was going to apply for the Post 9/11 GI Bill. NONE of them said ANYTHING about UTI not accepting that specific GI Bill. Well shortly after he applied for it, because everyone was pushing it so hard, he called his fin aid rep to let her know he had done it and then all of a sudden she remembered they didnt accept it! OOOPS!! stupid ass. well when that happened we were told that it was going to be OK because its also up to the school as to how they are going to submit their end of the paperwork. They said they were going to submit it as the Montgomery so that Zech would receive funds. We then asked if there was ANYTHING else that needed to be done on our part and we were told no. So we assumed it was taken care of. Well yesterday, 2 weeks before he is supposed to start classes, we popped in to turn in some last minute paperwork Zech had and we thought we would ask how the GI Bill money would be received. Thats when they told us another OOPS. If the VA has already approved Zech for the Post 9/11 GI Bill, the rep there at UTI said that we would not receive funds because UTI would deny it since it was not the GI Bill they accepted. If the VA hasnt approved it yet (*crosses fingers*) we will POSSIBLY be able to transfer his paperwork to the Montgomery GI Bill. Even then we would start the waiting game all over again to get it approved and processed. From there we would be able to go to school but wouldnt see funds immediately because the VA is 12 weeks behind. We would have to go to the regional VA office in Houston and get an advancement just so we can live. Its stressful and Ive cried too much over it already. If this doesnt work out in our favor, Zech and I have decided we will most likely move back home to Camp Wood until we can figure out something else. We discussed going back active duty Army, but right now thats just not something we want to deal with. He would deploy again this summer if that was the choice we made. We will keep everyone posted. Please pray for us that the Post 9/11 hasnt been approved and that they will let us transfer his paperwork!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Feeling Hopeless
Well might as well let everyone else know. Zech and I's plan for parenthood have sort of come to a stand still right now. All of my tests came back just fine, surprisingly enough. Zech's test, however, did not. He's not infertile, but we were told its basically not going to happen naturally "right now". Now, this low count could be due to a few different things, either its just really how he is, or it could just be his body's way of reacting to the amount of stress and constant heat he is around all day. But we wont really know because the Army, as always, has some lame excuse as to why they cannot see him right now. My doctor talked to us when we found out the results and wanted Zech to see a Urologist. All he would need to do would be to go to his doctor on Ft Hood and get a referral to see this other doctor affiliated with mine. But when we called Tricare (our insurance company) to set up the referral appointment, they basically told us that there was no sense in them wasting their time on him since he only has a few months left of active duty service. What a great way to treat a human being who risked their life for this country! We could choose to pay out of pocket for him to be seen right now, but depending on what exactly is wrong, it could cost us the sort of money we dont have. We have Houston to be worrying about right now, and need all of our extra money to stock up for that. So as of right now we are just trying "natural remedies" to try to boost his count, and pray to God its all going to work out. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. This has really been a hard pill to swallow for us.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Long Weekend (09/17-09/20)
Well its been awhile since Ive posted anything on here. Its been crazy around here lately. Anywho the weekend of the dates posted on the subject line Zech and I went to Houston and down to Corpus and that area for a few days.
On Thursday we drove to Houston and took a tour of the UTI campus for Zech. It was a really small campus, which I think is nice, and I got really excited for Zech just seeing where he was going to go to school. I actually started crying in the parking lot after the tour because I was so excited for him! LOL We also got Zech a new hood for his car for $40! A great deal from a fellow Nissan enthusiast. After that, we drove to a few apartments in the area to look at some potential places to live. The weather wasnt quite cooperating, so a lot of the places couldnt show us the actual apartments. But we did get to look at a few and I think we've settled on where we would like to live.
From Houston, we drove down to Corpus Thursday night to spend a few days with my sisters, brother-in-law, and my 2 nephews. Yes, we finally got to see Tyler! I was so excited. He looks just like Colton did when he was a baby, but at the same time you can totally tell the difference. He was adorable, and a total wiggle worm :) Colton was just too funny as always. He kept telling Zech that he was going to be Wolverine and then he would move his hand over his other hand to show that he was taking out his claws and then he would "cut off Zech's arm". Zech, of course, was dramatic for Colton, and Colton would just laugh and laugh. It was too cute :)
On Thursday we drove to Houston and took a tour of the UTI campus for Zech. It was a really small campus, which I think is nice, and I got really excited for Zech just seeing where he was going to go to school. I actually started crying in the parking lot after the tour because I was so excited for him! LOL We also got Zech a new hood for his car for $40! A great deal from a fellow Nissan enthusiast. After that, we drove to a few apartments in the area to look at some potential places to live. The weather wasnt quite cooperating, so a lot of the places couldnt show us the actual apartments. But we did get to look at a few and I think we've settled on where we would like to live.
From Houston, we drove down to Corpus Thursday night to spend a few days with my sisters, brother-in-law, and my 2 nephews. Yes, we finally got to see Tyler! I was so excited. He looks just like Colton did when he was a baby, but at the same time you can totally tell the difference. He was adorable, and a total wiggle worm :) Colton was just too funny as always. He kept telling Zech that he was going to be Wolverine and then he would move his hand over his other hand to show that he was taking out his claws and then he would "cut off Zech's arm". Zech, of course, was dramatic for Colton, and Colton would just laugh and laugh. It was too cute :)

Saturday afternoon we drove to Freer to go see Zech's best friend Nate for his birthday, and Zech's brothers, and some other friends. We went out to their ranch and shot some dove and some skeet, then went back to the house and played cards and drank and just hung out. It was nice to hang with some friends. We had a blast.
Sunday we had the looooooong drive back to Killeen to get ready for work for the next week. Little did I know I would wake up feeling like I had the flu the next morning. I was out of work for 3 days. Luckily Zech was still on vacation so he was there to take care of me... when he wasnt working on his car. Poor thing though got sick THIS past Sunday and had a temp of almost 102 Monday night! I have been forcing medicine down his thoat since then and he now just has a cough.
His car is almost done, got the clutch installed last night, and now he's just waiting on mounting something to keep his lights stabalized. This weekend we will drive the Jeep down to San Antonio to hand it off to Katie :( that Jeep was so good to me while Zech was gone, and I will truely miss the "Sheepy".
Sunday we had the looooooong drive back to Killeen to get ready for work for the next week. Little did I know I would wake up feeling like I had the flu the next morning. I was out of work for 3 days. Luckily Zech was still on vacation so he was there to take care of me... when he wasnt working on his car. Poor thing though got sick THIS past Sunday and had a temp of almost 102 Monday night! I have been forcing medicine down his thoat since then and he now just has a cough.
His car is almost done, got the clutch installed last night, and now he's just waiting on mounting something to keep his lights stabalized. This weekend we will drive the Jeep down to San Antonio to hand it off to Katie :( that Jeep was so good to me while Zech was gone, and I will truely miss the "Sheepy".
Monday, August 31, 2009
Round #1
Well today was our first visit with my OBGYN, who is also taking us through the fertility steps. So far, she seems hopeful. Today was mostly just talking. She told me that since my cycle is kinda crazy, always has been, could be tough as far as trying to find when my fertile days are (an easy thing to work with as long as we can find those day)... (TMI for some of you, I know, Im sorry).
Anyways, thats factor one. Factor two could be Zech. Yes, its always requested to get the male "checked" also. Its harder to fix a fertility problem in men than it is women. But we're hoping thats not the case... I mean come on, Zech is one of 6... and his dad is one of 9... no fertility problems there LOL!!
I have to go back for blood work on Wednesday to have a bunch of tests done. So as long as its nothing with Zech, and nothing comes back negative with my tests, my Dr is going to do something called an HSG. Its basically where they "cleanse" my repo-organs. Harsh sounding, I know, but sorry again! Its just basically to make a fresh start.
Zech and I both are praying that its an easy fix. I really love my OBGYN, she has a really level head about her, and wants to go all natural ways before we start jumping into all sorts of treatments. We are hoping that we can get this taking care of before our move to Houston so I can stay with her.
Keep thinking of us. We are excited to finally get things on a roll, and hopefully we will have some super happy POSITIVE (*wink wink*) news soon!
Anyways, thats factor one. Factor two could be Zech. Yes, its always requested to get the male "checked" also. Its harder to fix a fertility problem in men than it is women. But we're hoping thats not the case... I mean come on, Zech is one of 6... and his dad is one of 9... no fertility problems there LOL!!
I have to go back for blood work on Wednesday to have a bunch of tests done. So as long as its nothing with Zech, and nothing comes back negative with my tests, my Dr is going to do something called an HSG. Its basically where they "cleanse" my repo-organs. Harsh sounding, I know, but sorry again! Its just basically to make a fresh start.
Zech and I both are praying that its an easy fix. I really love my OBGYN, she has a really level head about her, and wants to go all natural ways before we start jumping into all sorts of treatments. We are hoping that we can get this taking care of before our move to Houston so I can stay with her.
Keep thinking of us. We are excited to finally get things on a roll, and hopefully we will have some super happy POSITIVE (*wink wink*) news soon!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So I know a lot of people would just tell me to take it easy, to just take it as it comes... But I cant help but get worked up. August is half-way done. On the 31st I have a doctor's appointment with a fertility specialist. We've been trying since January to get pregnant. Zech and I are both ready now. I guess God has other plans. Im scared to hear what they could say at the end of the month. I know our choices for adoption are always there. We've always said we want to adopt either way. Might turn out thats our only option.
Everything thats been going on lately doesnt make this situation/problem any better. I just want to cry all the time.
Everything thats been going on lately doesnt make this situation/problem any better. I just want to cry all the time.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Well here I am, at work, as always... Trying to not lose my mind. Oh trust me, I have plenty of work to do. That doesnt always mean I want to do it.
So anyway... Zech and I have been making plans about the upcoming months. They include many many things. First, and foremost, we want to extend an invitation to all close friends & family to make the drive to Killeen this year for Thanksgiving. I know its a bit out of the way, but Zech and I have missed the last 3 sets of holidays together and we have decided we would like to host it at our house this year, to do something special. We have more than enough room (finally) to have a good handful of people over. This could be the last time for a while that we actually have a large enough house to do anything.
We are also hoping that sometime closer to the end of the year we can take a mini-vacation. We are thinking either of our orginal plans of taking a cruise, or flying to Georgia to go see my cousin. I think we are starting to lean more towards the latter of the two ideas just because it would be easier on our savings. Im excited either way.
Zech is starting to make more progress on his transition out of the Army. Its been tough the last couple of months with about 3-4 other NCO's leaving or getting out as well. It leaves Zech picking up a lot of the slack and taking a lot of the time he needs to take his classes and do his necessary paper work to get out. But things are moving along slowly but surely. He is still scheduled to get out in mid- to late-November. We wont be moving to Houston until January still, but this gives me time to work overtime through the holidays here at the college in Killeen.
We are going to Houston next month to start looking at housing, to take a tour of the UTI campus, and to just scope out the area for jobs and such. From there, we will drive down to Corpus Christi to see my new baby nephew who is due in the next couple weeks! I am so excited to be an aunt times two!!
Well thats about it for now, I thought I would just write a few random things!
So anyway... Zech and I have been making plans about the upcoming months. They include many many things. First, and foremost, we want to extend an invitation to all close friends & family to make the drive to Killeen this year for Thanksgiving. I know its a bit out of the way, but Zech and I have missed the last 3 sets of holidays together and we have decided we would like to host it at our house this year, to do something special. We have more than enough room (finally) to have a good handful of people over. This could be the last time for a while that we actually have a large enough house to do anything.
We are also hoping that sometime closer to the end of the year we can take a mini-vacation. We are thinking either of our orginal plans of taking a cruise, or flying to Georgia to go see my cousin. I think we are starting to lean more towards the latter of the two ideas just because it would be easier on our savings. Im excited either way.
Zech is starting to make more progress on his transition out of the Army. Its been tough the last couple of months with about 3-4 other NCO's leaving or getting out as well. It leaves Zech picking up a lot of the slack and taking a lot of the time he needs to take his classes and do his necessary paper work to get out. But things are moving along slowly but surely. He is still scheduled to get out in mid- to late-November. We wont be moving to Houston until January still, but this gives me time to work overtime through the holidays here at the college in Killeen.
We are going to Houston next month to start looking at housing, to take a tour of the UTI campus, and to just scope out the area for jobs and such. From there, we will drive down to Corpus Christi to see my new baby nephew who is due in the next couple weeks! I am so excited to be an aunt times two!!
Well thats about it for now, I thought I would just write a few random things!
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